What’s Your Experience With Home Security Measures?

What's Your Experience With Home Security Measures?

What’s Your Experience With Home Security Measures?

In the quest for a safer home, we’ve gathered insights from founders and security experts on their most effective measures. From installing a smart security system to combining cameras with motion-activated lighting, discover the top four strategies to protect your residence.

  • Install a Smart Security System
  • Set Up Real-Time Camera Alerts
  • Ensure Continuous Power With UPS
  • Combine Cameras With Motion-Activated Lighting

Install a Smart Security System

One of the most effective home security measures I’ve implemented is installing a smart security system with real-time monitoring. After a neighbor’s home was broken into, I realized the importance of proactive security.

I chose a system that includes motion sensors, doorbell cameras, and smart locks, all connected to my phone. This allows me to monitor my home remotely, receive instant alerts, and even grant access to trusted people when I’m not around.

The peace of mind it provides is invaluable, especially when I’m traveling, knowing that I can keep an eye on things no matter where I am.

Aseem JhaAseem Jha
Founder, Legal Consulting Pro

Set Up Real-Time Camera Alerts

I’ve set up a smart security camera system. It lets me watch my home in real time on my phone, no matter where I am. I chose this because it gives me peace of mind. I can see who’s at my door and check for anything unusual. The cameras also send alerts if they detect movement, so I’m notified right away if something happens. This way, I can quickly respond to any potential threat, keeping my home and family safe.

Paolo PiscatelliPaolo Piscatelli
Owner & CEO, Alarm Relay

Ensure Continuous Power With UPS

As an experienced professional in risk and security, I cannot help but point out that most home security measures, including high-end smart or Wi-Fi-enabled gadgets, have one major drawback for their operation and efficiency: a continuous power supply. All of these systems could be compromised by an intruder cutting off the electricity, leaving one mostly to make sense of the situation with the flashlight from their phone.

I have set up a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) system, generally referred to as a backup power supply system, whereby the installation automatically switches over to battery operation. This setup ensures that in the case of a power failure, there can be a maximum of 15 hours of backup to the whole house, ensuring all security systems will continue to work.

In simple words, no matter how sophisticated or expensive your home security system is, it is worth nothing without a reliable power source. Therefore, one should invest in a robust backup power solution to ensure unmatched security.

Nauman ZafarNauman Zafar
Risk & Security Professional, Total Security Digest

Combine Cameras With Motion-Activated Lighting

I always say the most effective home security measure I frequently see in homes is the installation of smart security cameras. These have become a common and critical part of home security. Many brands of cameras offer real-time video monitoring and instant alerts directly to your phone. This level of visibility provides a strong deterrent to potential intruders and allows homeowners to check on their property from anywhere, providing both convenience and peace of mind.

In addition to cameras, motion-activated lighting is another measure I’ve seen regularly incorporated into home security systems. While it seems like a simple solution, well-placed lighting around entry points such as driveways, walkways, and backyards can make a significant difference. Combined with cameras, the lighting not only illuminates areas where intruders might try to hide but also makes the footage clearer, improving its effectiveness in identifying potential threats.

I’ve also noticed some homeowners go a step further by syncing these lights and cameras with smart home systems, allowing them to automate responses, like turning lights on when motion is detected or sending footage directly to cloud storage. These integrated systems are becoming more standard and provide a robust approach to securing homes in today’s environment.

Javier ToroJavier Toro
Owner, Orlando Inspex LLC

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