How Has Art or Literature Helped You Through Tough Times?

How Has Art or Literature Helped You Through Tough Times?

How Has Art or Literature Helped You Through Tough Times?

To explore how art and literature can provide comfort during difficult times, we asked various professionals to share their personal experiences. From finding solace in Van Gogh’s art to gaining meaning from Frankl’s insights, here are six heartfelt stories from business owners and CEOs on how these works have offered solace.

  • Finding Solace in Van Gogh’s Art
  • Chicken Soup Stories Offered Solace
  • Expressing Emotions Through Art
  • Finding Confidence in Brené Brown’s Work
  • Gaining Perspective From The Alchemist
  • Finding Meaning in Frankl’s Insights

Finding Solace in Van Gogh’s Art

Art and literature have been my steadfast companions during some of the most challenging periods of my life. One such instance was during a prolonged bout of illness, which left me isolated and grappling with uncertainty. During this time, I found solace in the paintings of Vincent van Gogh, particularly “Starry Night.” The swirling blues and luminescent stars of the night sky seemed to capture both the chaos and beauty of the emotions I was experiencing. The artwork reminded me that beauty could be found even in turbulent times, offering a glimmer of hope and serenity.

Similarly, literature provided a refuge through the works of Haruki Murakami. His novel, “Norwegian Wood,” resonated deeply with me, as it delves into themes of loss, love, and the search for meaning. Murakami’s ability to articulate complex emotions helped me process my own feelings and realize that I was not alone in my struggles. His writing became a mirror through which I could understand and navigate my own journey, providing both comfort and perspective.

These experiences taught me the power of art and literature as tools for healing. They allowed me to find moments of peace and clarity amidst chaos, demonstrating that creativity can be a profound source of resilience. For anyone facing tough times, I encourage turning to art and literature—not just as a distraction, but as a means to connect with the deeper currents of human experience.

Luke HickmanLuke Hickman
Owner, Hickman Design

Chicken Soup Stories Offered Solace

Art and literature have been lifelines for me, especially during the toughest periods of my life. When I was a teenager, navigating the chaos of trauma and uncertainty, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” became my sanctuary. Those stories, filled with hope, resilience, and human connection, offered me the solace I desperately needed. They were more than just words on a page—they were reminders that I wasn’t alone in my struggles. Each story felt like a gentle nudge, urging me to keep going, to find strength in vulnerability, and to believe that things could get better.

That experience stayed with me as I ventured into a 20-year management career, where I found success but eventually realized something was missing. I yearned for the connection and comfort that storytelling had provided me in my youth. This led me to pivot to writing for a positivity blog, where I could channel my own experiences and insights into stories that might uplift others.

After getting laid off from my dream job there, I took the leap to create my own company, a space where I hope to offer others what “Chicken Soup for the Soul” offered me: a sense of connection, understanding, and the belief that even in our darkest moments, there is light to be found. Through sharing stories of resilience, my goal is to help others find comfort and courage, just as those early stories did for me.

Danielle DahlDanielle Dahl
Co-Founder, Resilient Stories

Expressing Emotions Through Art

When I was getting bullied in high school and middle school, I would be so sad and frustrated. Art helps express how you are feeling. I had many art classes in school growing up because I like art, and it helped me escape from the constant bullying.

I got bullied so much in school growing up, I decided to make a 3-D sculpture of a model school that I made up, and I put fences, bars, and chains on the doors. I think I called it “School as a Prison.” Fun fact about that art piece: I won an award in the art show at school for it.

Even my head principal thought it was awesome, which surprised me because we had history together—good and bad. But she saw my potential and thought it was worthy of the award! Art and reading helped me escape from the drama!

Jimmy ClareJimmy Clare
Motivational Speaker, Autism Advocate, Founder, CrazyFitnessGuy

Finding Confidence in Brené Brown’s Work

Art and literature are vital for reflection and emotional healing, especially in challenging times. I experienced setbacks in closing deals, which left me disheartened. To cope, I found solace in Brené Brown’s “Daring Greatly,” which emphasizes vulnerability, courage, and embracing uncertainty, ultimately helping me regain confidence in my leadership.

Mohammed KamalMohammed Kamal
Business Development Manager, Olavivo

Gaining Perspective From The Alchemist

During tough times, “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho really helped me. Its message about following your dreams and finding your purpose gave me a lot of comfort. Juggling my roles as a CMO and founder of an adventure-travel company can be stressful. Reading about Santiago’s journey reminded me to stay focused on my goals and embrace the challenges as part of my adventure. It helped me see obstacles as steps in a bigger journey and gave me a renewed sense of motivation and peace. Art and books can be great for gaining perspective and staying strong through tough times.

Swena KalraSwena Kalra
Chief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

Finding Meaning in Frankl’s Insights

Art and literature have always been a refuge for me during tough times, offering solace and a way to process emotions. One particular experience stands out: during a challenging period in my life when I was grappling with personal and professional stress, I turned to literature for comfort.

I stumbled upon Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning.” This book, which chronicles Frankl’s experiences in Nazi concentration camps and his psychological insights, profoundly impacted me. Frankl’s emphasis on finding meaning and purpose, even in the most harrowing circumstances, resonated deeply. His message that we have the power to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances gave me a new perspective on my struggles.

Inspired by Frankl, I began journaling daily, reflecting on my experiences and seeking meaning in my challenges. This practice not only provided a therapeutic outlet but also helped me cultivate resilience and a sense of purpose.

Art and literature have a unique ability to touch our souls and provide comfort, guidance, and strength when we need it most. For me, “Man’s Search for Meaning” was a beacon of hope and a reminder of the power of the human spirit.

Aviad FaruzAviad Faruz

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