What’s Your Approach to Goal-setting for Personal Growth?

What's Your Approach to Goal-setting for Personal Growth?

What’s Your Approach to Goal-setting for Personal Growth?

In the quest for personal growth and development, we sought the wisdom of experts in self-improvement and career coaching. From defining SMART personal growth objectives to taking calculated risks to sharpen skills, discover the top four strategies provided by our panel of a Self-Esteem & Resilience Advocate and a Career Coach.

  • Define SMART Personal Growth Objectives
  • Emphasize Clarity and Accountability
  • Achieve Micro-Goals for Motivation
  • Take Calculated Risks to Sharpen Skills

Define SMART Personal Growth Objectives

My approach to goal-setting for personal growth and development involves clearly defining achievable and specific objectives that align with my long-term aspirations. I start by reflecting on what I genuinely want to improve or achieve, setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to create a clear roadmap. 

I then break these larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to prevent feeling overwhelmed and to track progress more effectively. Regular self-assessment is essential, allowing me to adjust strategies as needed while maintaining motivation. 

I also seek feedback and support from mentors and peers, as external perspectives can provide valuable insights and encouragement. Finally, I celebrate small victories along the way to stay inspired and committed to my personal development journey.

Chinyelu Karibi-Whyte, Self-Esteem & Resilience Advocate, Pheel Pretty

Emphasize Clarity and Accountability

My approach to goal-setting for personal growth and development involves a structured yet flexible process that emphasizes clarity, specificity, and realistic expectations. I begin by reflecting on my values, strengths, and areas for improvement. This helps me identify areas where I want to grow and set meaningful goals. 

Once I have a clear vision of what I want to achieve, I break down my goals into smaller, actionable steps. I prioritize my goals based on their significance and urgency, focusing on specific objectives to maintain focus. I also review and adjust my goals as needed, allowing flexibility and adaptation to changing circumstances. I incorporate accountability measures as well. This accountability fosters motivation and provides support during challenging times. 

Overall, my goal-setting approach emphasizes self-awareness, strategic planning, adaptability, and accountability, motivating me to pursue continuous growth and development.

Nicholas Robb, Lifestyle business expert, Life by Design

Achieve Micro-Goals for Motivation

I try to create smaller micro-goals. When I can achieve these goals, it motivates me to keep going. For example, I had a goal to complete a LinkedIn Learning path. It was about 7.5 hours of courses. When I completed this goal, I felt accomplished but not burned out. In fact, I was ready to hit the ground running with another micro-goal.

Kelli Anderson, Career Coach, Texas General Insurance

Take Calculated Risks to Sharpen Skills

While calculated risks are essential for any investor, I also want to sharpen my skills through calculated risks. I set quarterly goals to test new market analysis tools or experiment with different deal-evaluation frameworks. This not only pushes my boundaries but also helps identify areas for further improvement.

Real estate thrives on collaboration. I set annual goals to mentor aspiring investors through Real Estate Exam Ninja or participate in industry forums. Sharing knowledge and fostering a strong network not only benefits the community but also exposes me to fresh perspectives and potential new opportunities.

Chris McGuire, Real Estate Investor, Real Estate Exam Ninja