What would you change about yourself if you could?

what would you change about yourself if you could

What would you change about yourself if you could?

From having greater flexibility to changing the will to change things about oneself, here are 7 answers to the question, “What would you change about yourself if you could?”

  • Greater Flexibility
  • Be Less Sensitive
  • Stop Overthinking
  • Stop Carrying About Others Too Much
  • Become More Confident in My Decisions
  • Spent More Time Socializing in College
  • I’d Change the Will to Change Things About Myself

Greater Flexibility

One of my key characteristics is that I like to plan ahead and am not fond of changing them. Every successful person has that certain flexibility that helps them become more adaptable and doesn’t make a fuss when plans go awry. Life is chaotic as a rule and for my own good, I would definitely turn myself into a more flexible kind of person, able to deal with sudden plan changes better.

Natalia Brzezinska, Marketing and Outreach Manager, PhotoAiD

Be Less Sensitive

I am a compassionate person, easily affected by the emotions of others, and I find it difficult to set boundaries. Often, I am prone to feeling overwhelmed in social situations. From my perspective, my sensitivity causes me to struggle in my relationships, both in my personal and professional life. I wish to be less sensitive so that I can better navigate my relationships, set boundaries, and communicate more effectively. I want to be able to handle criticism and negative emotions in a more healthy way. By working on my sensitivity, I hope to have more control over my emotions and reactions and to have a better overall quality of life.

Magdalena Sadowska, Community Manager and Content Writer, US Passport Photo


I fall prey to overthinking sometimes. This happens when I am stressed about something and end up thinking of endless worst-case scenarios. I plan to meditate and exercise more often to clear my mind and release endorphins. Overthinking does more harm than good. Learning to live in the present and having a positive mindset is key.

Michelle Siy, Content Writer, Oliver Wicks

Stop Carrying About Others Too Much

This question is mostly asked in interviews, but I believe everyone should ask it of themselves at least once in life. We often get demotivated when others say bad things about us, but everyone has good qualities that others don’t want to talk about. I recently realized one thing about myself: I care about others too much, and it always keeps me at a loss.

Caring about others is good and the best ethical behavior, but too much of anything is bad. That’s why I don’t want to care about others too much; rather, I would like to focus on my own growth. I will be ready to help if I am capable enough and there is no loss to me.

For many reasons, people stop loving themselves and go into depression, but I must say there is no sin in caring a little bit about yourself. It even fills you with positivity and makes you more capable of dealing with issues effectively.

Yogesh Kumar, Digital Marketing Manager, Technource

Become More Confident in My Decisions

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be to become more confident in my decisions. I’m often too hesitant and indecisive when making choices, and this insecurity can lead to opportunities slipping away. If I were able to trust myself more, I’d be better equipped to seize the moment and make bolder moves that will help me reach my goals. I’m working hard to be more self-assured and take risks, but having the confidence to do so in the first place would give me a huge leg up on achieving success.

Mark McShane, Marketing Director, Leeds First Aid Courses

Spent More Time Socializing in College

I would have spent more time socializing in college.

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be to spend more time socializing in college because I used to be a very shy person, and now I’m not, so it must have been the right choice.

One of my biggest regrets is that I never went to a party, went out with friends, or even talked on the phone until my early 20s. I wish I had done things differently when I was younger so that now, at 28, I could be more outgoing and friendly with people and not such an introvert because it has affected me over the years.

Nyla Rose, Founder and Editor-in-chief, BeastBeauty

I’d Change the Will to Change Things About Myself

If I had a magic lamp, I’d ask the genie for the self-confidence to accept all the parts of myself, inside and out, that I don’t like and stop thinking about how to change them. I’d wish for the ability to provide love for myself like I have for other people. I’d throw judgment and critique out the airplane window and start being the pilot of my own life. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Colleen Sproull, Content Marketing Manager, Evinex

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