What’s Your Strategy for Making Friends in a New City?

What's Your Strategy for Making Friends in a New City?

What’s Your Strategy for Making Friends in a New City?

Embarking on a new chapter in a different city can be daunting, but making new friends doesn’t have to be. We’ve gathered eight diverse strategies from founders and E-commerce experts, ranging from joining local book clubs to attending your city’s official events. Discover how these professionals create meaningful connections in new environments.

  • Join Local Book Clubs
  • Connect Through Fitness Hobbies
  • Strike Up Coffee Shop Conversations
  • Engage in Language and Community Events
  • Attend Nightlife and Volunteer Events
  • Participate in Intramural Sports Leagues
  • Explore Local Gathering Spots
  • Attend City’s Official Events

Join Local Book Clubs

Visit your local bookstore or library regularly and engage in conversations with fellow book lovers. Join book clubs or discussion groups to connect with like-minded individuals who share a love for reading and intellectual discussions.

For example, when I moved to a new city, I started visiting a nearby bookstore every weekend. Through casual conversations about favorite genres and book recommendations, I bonded with other book enthusiasts.

Eventually, I joined a book club organized by the bookstore and formed meaningful friendships with people who shared my passion for literature.

Ben LauBen Lau
Founder, Featured SEO Company

Connect Through Fitness Hobbies

My wife and I have moved to new cities quite a few times over the years. One of the best strategies I have is using my hobbies to find new friends. As an example, I am big into fitness and working out.

In each city we move to, I test out all the bigger gyms, as they normally have a larger social network. Through these gyms, you see the same people, and eventually, through similar likes, you become friends with them. All my best friends over the last 10 years have originated from the gyms I go to.

Jeff MichaelJeff Michael
E-commerce Business Owner, Moriarty’s Gem Art

Strike Up Coffee Shop Conversations

Frequenting coffee shops in your new city can provide a relaxed and casual environment for striking up conversations with strangers and potentially making new friends. Engage in conversations about the local area, ask for coffee recommendations, or simply join in on discussions happening around you.

For example, while enjoying your latte, you could strike up a conversation with someone nearby, discuss local events, or ask for suggestions on hidden gems. By being open and friendly, you can create opportunities for meaningful connections and potentially find like-minded individuals to build new friendships with.

Yoana WongYoana Wong
Co-Founder, Secret Florists

Engage in Language and Community Events

As a young female CEO, moving to a new city can be a daunting experience, but it also gives me endless opportunities to broaden my circle. Since my company revolves around the language industry, I seek the local Japanese community or language exchange groups.

It provides not only potential clients but also a sense of camaraderie since learning languages brings people together. Engaging in local festivities and being present at city events offer great chances to mingle as well, while visiting popular eateries often introduces me to the city’s hidden gems and their regular patrons, promoting interesting chat-ups.

Nooran ZafarmandNooran Zafarmand
Co-Founder and CEO, Japamana

Attend Nightlife and Volunteer Events

Relocating as a CEO, I’ve realized that it’s crucial to be actively ingrained in the community. One strategy I found myself drawn toward is attending nightlife events—local pubs’ trivia nights or jazz clubs. They offer casual settings to encounter diverse folks and potential friends.

Another tip is giving back, such as teaching at community centers or schools about technology, as it allows me to connect with the community and foster relationships on the common ground of learning. Making friends is about creating chances to connect and being open to embracing them.

Abid SalahiAbid Salahi
Co-Founder and CEO, FinlyWealth

Participate in Intramural Sports Leagues

When moving to a new city, I typically join some type of park district intramural sports league. After my most recent move, I joined a kickball league and a volleyball league. I didn’t know anyone—I emailed the park district and signed up as a free agent so teams who were short a couple of players could pick up free agents. I got put on a great team; we’d go out for drinks after most games, and it was a great way to meet people.

If sports isn’t your cup of tea, go check out Meetup.com. Some groups ride bikes together and go on hikes together, and there are cryptocurrency groups—literally anything you’re interested in, you can find a group of like-minded people to do it with.

One thing I like about Meetup groups is that it’s a little less intimidating than just going out to a bar trying to make friends, and there’s typically some activity the group is centered on, so A) you already have a common interest and B) you’re doing an activity. There’s not this pressure of keeping conversations going with nothing else to do.

John FrigoJohn Frigo
E-commerce Manager, Best Price Nutrition

Explore Local Gathering Spots

Go to where locals gather. Join a basketball game, go to church, try a cooking class, volunteer. There are many ways to do this, but the most essential part is to go out of your house and talk to people. Having many acquaintances can be like a numbers game, but making friends means spending time and sharing some hobbies with them.

Derek CapoDerek Capo
COO, Starquix.com

Attend City’s Official Events

A great way to meet people in a new city is by exploring event calendars for things that might interest you. Try checking the city’s official website to learn about upcoming or future events. Pay attention to cool local events such as art fairs and concerts.

These are all great places to meet new people because they’re fun, social events where you can connect with similar interests. It’s always nice to have friends close to where you live, and taking part in local events allows you to meet people who live in the same vicinity as you.

Putting yourself out there and being willing to attend local events will increase your chances of connecting with compatible people and will add some fun to your experience of moving to a new place.

Kate ChervenKate Cherven
Marketing Specialist, United Site Services

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