How Do You Avoid Procrastination?

How Do You Avoid Procrastination?

How Do You Avoid Procrastination?

From the strategic insights of founders and COOs, we’ve gathered seven expert tips to help you dodge the procrastination bullet and enhance your productivity. Discover how to adopt time-blocking for task management and why it’s crucial to create structure to prevent overwhelm among other valuable advice from seasoned professionals.

  • Adopt Time-Blocking for Task Management
  • Embrace Incremental Progress Over Perfection
  • Break Goals Into Daily Actions
  • Try the Five-Minute Rule
  • Designate Break Times for Focus
  • Gain Clarity to Overcome Procrastination
  • Create Structure to Prevent Overwhelm

Adopt Time-Blocking for Task Management

For years, I have struggled with correctly apportioning my time to the tasks and activities that should take priority. The worst culprit is the daily chase to clear my inbox, which, unfortunately, just creates a cycle of responses.

Only recently have I found a system that works for me, and annoyingly, it’s the incredibly simple approach of time-blocking. I have created a timetable that breaks my tasks down into 30-minute chunks throughout the week. In this way, I know that I am dedicating time to all my responsibilities evenly and proportionately.

Emails have been relegated to small chunks throughout the day. While it still requires discipline, the impact has been incredible, which only further reinforces my dedication to the timetable.

Ryan StoneRyan Stone
Founder and Creative Director, Lambda Films

Embrace Incremental Progress Over Perfection

Commit to incremental progress, not perfection. Often, procrastination stems from the paralyzing expectation that we must tackle goals in an all-or-nothing, perfect-or-bust manner. This pressure is counterproductive. Forget marathon bursts and aim for consistency instead.

Rather than expecting yourself to sit and work for 8 hours straight in some epic power session, set a goal of showing up consistently for 30-60 minute intervals spread throughout your day. Keep the session lengths short and achievable, so they feel less intimidating to start. Just tell yourself you only need to make a bit of progress in that time.

Starting small is easier than going all out, but those tiny steps compound over time. The sense of ongoing accomplishment keeps motivation high, even when progress feels slow. Completing what you planned for each session also breeds confidence and momentum. Perfect days are unlikely, but progress is certain when we commit to those baby steps that inch us forward.

Brian MeiggsBrian Meiggs
Founder, My Millennial Guide

Break Goals Into Daily Actions

The key for me is breaking large goals down into bite-sized, daily actions so progress never feels daunting. For example, when I’m writing a book, I set a manageable daily word count target versus looking at the full manuscript. I celebrate hitting those small milestones along the way.

Avoiding multitasking also boosts focus—I silence notifications and do one task at a time. Using productivity tools, like blocking off designated deep work time in my calendar, keeps me consistent.

It’s also motivating to track tasks completed versus just a to-do list, so I get a sense of accomplishment. Staying hydrated, exercising, and taking real breaks to recharge improves mental stamina over long hours.

But above all, being compassionate with myself on off days prevents getting derailed by perfectionism. Focusing on small, consistent actions celebrates progress and builds unstoppable momentum.

Vikrant ShauryaVikrant Shaurya
CEO, Authors On Mission

Try the Five-Minute Rule

Overcome procrastination and boost your productivity with the simple five-minute rule. It’s a fantastic trick you really need to try out: the “Five-Minute Rule.” When I feel stuck before doing any task or work, I commit to just five minutes of work.

Surprisingly, those initial few minutes act like a mental jumpstart, breaking down the resistance and making it way easier to keep going. It is a simple and very effective trick to relax your mind. It will not only help you to perform better in your professional life to enhance productivity with full potential but also make personal life decisions.

Faizan KhanFaizan Khan
Public Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK

Designate Break Times for Focus

When I was younger, I had a real problem with procrastinating. And as anyone who’s been there knows, it’s not actually pleasant or satisfying to put off work. You usually end up feeling guilty and stressed while accomplishing little. If I’d just done the work and then relaxed, it would have been a more fulfilling level of recreation.

The solution for me was setting designated break times. During these periods, thinking about work was forbidden. I could take twenty minutes to watch a show or scroll on my phone without stress looming over me.

But when my timer went off, I had to return to the task at hand. Because these mini-breaks were more satisfying than double the amount of time spent procrastinating, I was able to get back to productivity and no longer felt the urge to push work off until tomorrow.

Linn AtiyehLinn Atiyeh
CEO, Bemana

Gain Clarity to Overcome Procrastination

When I took on a larger role at work, it required more capability and capacity from me. The overwhelm of complexity and self-doubt led to procrastination. I felt unsure of what to do, so I just didn’t do anything.

Things started to shift when I focused on clarity and control.

First, I delegated everything but my critical work.

Then, this is how I finally got unstuck: I broke down the remaining tasks into smaller, manageable processes by asking three clear questions: What exactly needs to be done? How much time will it take? How much energy is required?

As I did this consistently, the fog of procrastination lifted. This method turns abstract stressors into tangible actions, making it easier to get going.

Clarity conquers procrastination. Understanding the specifics of a task, how long it will take, and the effort required simplifies things. Focus on only the next step. This isn’t merely task management; it’s self-management.

Michael MorganMichael Morgan
Managing Director, Medallion Partners

Create Structure to Prevent Overwhelm

I’ve found that the key to avoiding procrastination—for me—is creating structure. One of the main reasons I procrastinate is because I look at everything that I need to do and feel a little overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. By creating a structure for my day, week, or month, I know what needs to be done, what I can hold off on, and what needs to be prioritized.

When you know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done, you can just get started on your tasks for the day instead of wasting time looking at everything you have to do, getting distracted with other tasks, etc.

On that note, it’s important to also include space for ad hoc work. This means that anything that suddenly pops up won’t throw your entire day off, and you’ll have the time to look at this ad hoc work and determine how urgent it actually is.

Lauren CarlstromLauren Carlstrom
COO, Oxygen Plus

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